How Long Does Medical Detox Take
When you’re addicted to alcohol, the idea of quitting is often overwhelming – especially when you think about going through withdrawal. One of the first questions that may cross your mind is, “do I need medical detox or can I safely detox on my own/at home?”Whether you should seek treatment when detoxing from alcohol depends on a number of different factors, including how long you’ve been drinking, how often you drink, other co-occurring disorders (such as anxiety or depression), how many times you’ve tried to quit, and more.
Even if you haven’t been drinking for very long, detox symptoms can change quickly and may cause serious medical complications. However, for some people, detoxing at home is their only chance at getting clean. Most people who detox at home quit cold turkey, but some choose the tapering off method instead.
When To Go To Medical Detox
If you feel that detoxing at home is right for you, it’s critical that you do it safely, have a support system to rely on, and focus on staying healthy (what is medical detox like). For heavy drinkers, alcohol withdrawal is potentially life-threatening. Alcohol withdrawal can begin as early as two hours after your last drink, continue for weeks, and range from mild anxiety and shakiness to seizures and delirium tremens (DTs).
Some of the most common alcohol detox symptoms include:ShakinessSweatingMild anxietyNauseaVomitingHeadacheInsomniaMood swingsDepressionFatigueClammy or pale skinDilated pupilsRapid heart rateLoss of appetiteDelirium tremens is a severe form of alcohol withdrawal and involves sudden and severe mental or nervous system changes. Delirium tremens typically occurs when you stop drinking alcohol after a period of heavy drinking, especially if you don’t eat enough food during that time (what is medical detox like).
What To Expect In Medical Detox
It may also be caused by a head injury, infection, or illness in people with a history of alcohol abuse. Symptoms typically occur 48 to 96 hours after your last drink, but they may not surface until seven to 10 days later. The most common symptoms of delirium tremens include:Body tremorsChanges in mental functionAgitation or irritabilityConfusion or disorientationDecreased attention spanDeep sleep that lasts for several daysDeliriumExcitementFearHallucinationsIncreased activityQuick mood changesRestlessness.
Most common in people with past complications from alcohol withdrawal. Typically categorized as generalized tonic-clonic seizures. Attending a treatment program is always recommended when detoxing from alcohol, but it’s especially beneficial for people with severe addictions or those who haven’t been able to successfully detox on their own in the past.
What Does Medical Detox Involve
Each type of program has its own set of pros and cons, and ultimately, it’s your decision as to what program is right for you. Inpatient Treatment:Inpatient treatment is most frequently recommended for people who have been drinking for a long time or who consumed excessive amounts of alcohol throughout their addiction.
Should you need it, a doctor can prescribe you medications that help you safely manage your withdrawal symptoms. Another benefit of inpatient treatment is that you’ve removed from your old environment, temptations, triggers, and negative influences. For some people, it’s difficult to be away from home, especially if you have a strong support system (what is medical detox).
Medical Detox Facility
Outpatient Treatment: If your addiction isn’t as severe, outpatient treatment is another option. Outpatient detox consists of visiting a treatment facility on a regular basis as you’re detoxing from alcohol. However, for the majority of the time, you’ll detox at home. When you visit the treatment facility, you may be prescribed medications that help manage withdrawal symptoms.
Peer support. A safe and structured environment. Relapse prevention. Therapeutic intervention. Family support. Continued, long-term treatment (aftercare). At the end of the day, only you can decide whether detoxing at home or entering an addiction treatment facility is right for you. However, entering an inpatient or outpatient treatment program is highly recommended and allows you to safely detox from alcohol while giving you the best chance at success in recovery.
What Is Involved In Medical Detox?
Medical Disclaimer: Transformations Treatment Center aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. what is medical detox?.
Have you ever heard a person with substance use disorder or alcoholic say they wish they were sober but they physically can’t quit drinking or using? It’s not just another lie. After prolonged periods of drinking and using drugs, the human body can become physically dependent on the substances—toxic is the new normal.
What Is A Medical Detox
This is where a medically supervised detox like the program offered at the world-renowned Transformations Treatment Center comes in. In addition to protecting people from the various life-threatening medical issues they could encounter during untreated withdrawal, a medical detox program can also facilitate a comfortable transition into rehab. This is because medically supervised detox, though beneficial and almost always necessary, is not the end of addiction treatment.
So, what is a medically supervised detox? It is a clinical setting with doctors and nurses available around the clock to monitor a person’s withdrawal from drugs and/or alcohol. Sometimes detox includes administering medication, but the specifics vary widely according to the individual and the substances used. There is never a guarantee that a person will be safe or comfortable during detox, it is often a painful process.
What To Expect During Inpatient Medical Heroin Detox
Under a physician’s care, individuals are monitored for signs of hallucinations, scevere anxiety and cardiovascular distress. A whole range of medications may be used to manage symptoms like high blood pressure, nausea, vomiting or anxiety. Anticonvulsants might also be provided, depending on personal history. Why is it necessary to detox under a physicians care? Withdrawal is one of the most dangerous times in a person’s recovery.
Treatment should always start with medically supervised detox or the professional treatment of withdrawal symptoms and be followed by a structured plan of therapy to treat the underlying causes of addiction. Alcohol, opiate, prescription drug and stimulant withdrawal can all cause symptoms that may be life threatening. what is medical detox from alcohol. Side effects associated with opioids, hallucinogens and marijuana abuse can lead to mental health problems and relapse as a result of severe symptoms.
What Is Detox Medical Process
According to the National Library of Medicine, delirium tremens, or DTs, the severe and life-threatening form of alcohol withdrawal, “involves sudden and severe mental or nervous system changes” that often cannot be predicted in time for the individual to reach the appropriate detox program, if they are not already in it - how much cilantro to detox medical medium.

For many types of substance abuse, depression is a severe symptom of detox and can sometimes accompany other mental disorders, like anxiety, paranoia and OCD that will require long-term treatment. Whether these issues were present before the substance abuse started or they are a result of withdrawal, treating these disorders is an essential part of the healing process and can reduce the risk of relapse.
When Do You Need Medical Detox From Alcohol

Aside from the many dangers associated with drug withdrawal and its different symptoms, relapse is another possible complication that can even become deadly. If a person relapses back to drug abuse during or after withdrawal, their tolerance usually isn’t the same as it once was. This can lead them to miscalculate the amount of drugs they need to take and puts them at significant risk for an overdose.
In general, withdrawal brings troubled sleep, irritability, anxiety, headaches, cravings, sweating, chills, a depressive state and insomnia. Even if they are not life threatening, these symptoms can be disruptive enough that the individual may have a difficult time being fully functional for several days. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the withdrawal timeline typically begins one day after the last intake of the drug.
How To Get Drug Detox On Medical
The withdrawal timeline will continue for up to two weeks while the symptoms slowly fade. On day one of detox, the first symptoms appear immediately after the active molecules of the substances have been processed - how to detox from alcohol without medical help. The body expects another dose, having learned to rely on a regular supply. Not receiving the drugs, the body’s expected chemical balance is disrupted.
The most common symptom of withdrawal is insomnia. Insomnia can manifest itself as restlessness and difficulty falling asleep, a complete failure to sleep or waking up regularly during the night. During the early stages of detox, people may also experience very vivid dreams or nightmares, which can make relaxation and recovery at night very difficult.
Transformations Treatment Center
14000 S Military Trail, Delray Beach, FL 33484
FV9H+MC Delray Beach, Florida
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